Come Join My Team! Get Your Wings Today!

Get Your Wings
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be your own boss? Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit that is waiting to explore the possibilities of combining "fun" with financial rewards? Maybe you just want to be around others who love paper crafting as much as you do?

We love to celebrate life! The Angel Company is passionate,. meaningful, and truly about living. We honor our lives through our creativity. And we have fun doing it! So what are you waiting for? Come join us!


Hi Everyone!

Well, I have been off-line for a little bit, but I am back just in time for the beginning of a new year! I will be posting class schedules for the next few monthsin a few days.

I have been very busy while I was off-line. I had several craft shows and a lot of individual customer projects. In October, I supplied table decorations for Jersulem Baptist Church's Womens Day breakfast and I assisted with displays for a 25th Wedding Anniversary in November. In December, I made special table tents for an Akron University Grad's celebration dinner. Each table had a theme of her life. That was a real challenge! I put together slideshows of these events for you, you can find them below. Both events were fun and allowed me to grow in developing my craft.

Our family has grown also. Zaiden Robert S. was born on November 29, 2010. He weighed in at 6lbs - 6oz, 21 inches long. You will see picture of him and the other G.Babes (aka the grandchildren)posted once I get the scrapbook pages done. I just started his quilt, so I will give you a peak as soon as possible.

In December, I lost one of my sisters,her name was Jenny. That was a big deal! I will really miss her. I also lost a dear scrapbooking friend, Marie Smith. I will miss her sweet smile and inspiring friendship.

I am looking forward to an exciting 2011! God has been so good to our family this year (as always). I am looking forward to learning new things from His Word so I can apply them to my life and share with others. I am so very thankful for His love toward me and how He continues to lead me to new heights of understanding daily. May God's abundance continue to prosper your life in all areas and may you continue to grow in His love in 2011.

God bless you abunantly,